Unpack Variadic Args?

Jeff jeff.monkey.wrench.thirtytwo at gmail.com
Thu Feb 13 07:06:49 UTC 2020


Was wondering if there was a simple, efficient way to unpack a 
variadic template argument. It needs to be efficient at runtime, 
and hopefully not use too much excessive CTFE.

C++ has the "..." operator, is there something equivalent in D?

     template<class ...Args>
     void g(Args... args) {
         f(foo(args)...); // f(foo(args[0]), foo(args[1])); // etc

What would be a good way to write that in D, with it being as 
efficient (no copies or building structs etc) and not use too 
much CTFE. Needing to use `.map` or similar at CTFE would be an 
example of too much CTFE.

     void g(Args...)(auto ref Args args) {
          // ?

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