wordladder - code improvement

dwdv dwdv at posteo.de
Fri Jan 31 01:17:19 UTC 2020

 From one noob to another: Not much of a difference, but levenshteinDistance seems to be a good fit 
here. About as fast as your solution, slightly lower memory usage. byCodeUnit/byChar might shave off 
a few more ms.

For small scripts like these I'm usually not even bothering with const correctness and selective 
imports. There's also import std; but that might lead to ambiguous imports.


import std.algorithm, std.array, std.conv, std.datetime.stopwatch,
        std.functional, std.random, std.range, std.stdio, std.uni;

enum WORDFILE = "/usr/share/hunspell/en_GB.dic";
enum WORDSIZE = 4;

// could be verified at compile-time
static assert(WORDSIZE % 2 == 0, "WORDSIZE should be even");

alias WordList = string[];
alias WordSet = bool[string];

void main() {
     auto sw = StopWatch(AutoStart.yes);
     auto words = getWords(WORDFILE, WORDSIZE);
     // would be slicker with proper destructuring support
     auto res = generate!(() => genLadder(words.dup, STEPS))
         .find!(a => !a[1].empty)
     writeln("tries: ", res[0]);
     writeln(sw.peek); // or sw.peek.total!"msecs"

WordSet getWords(string filename, uint wordsize) {
     return File(filename).byLine
         .map!(line => line.until!(not!isAlpha))
         .filter!(word => word.count == wordsize)
         .map!(word => word.to!string.toUpper)

WordList genLadder(WordSet words, uint steps) {
     WordList ladder;

     string update(WordList comps) {
         ladder ~= comps.choice;
         return ladder.back;
     WordList compWords(string prev) {
         return words.byKey.filter!(word => levenshteinDistance(word, prev) == 1).array;

     auto prev = update(words.byKey.array);
     foreach (comps; generate!(() => compWords(prev)).take(steps + 1)) {
         if (comps.empty) return comps;
         prev = update(comps);

     if (levenshteinDistance(ladder.front, ladder.back) < WORDSIZE)
         return [];
     return ladder;

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