Aliases to mutable thread-local data not allowed [solved-ish]

mark mark at
Wed Mar 11 12:16:07 UTC 2020

I finally got a threaded version that works, and a lot more 
cleanly than using send/receive. (But performance is dismal, see 
the end.)

Here's the heart of the solution:

     void readPackages() {
         import std.algorithm: max;
         import std.array: array;
         import std.parallelism: taskPool, totalCPUs;
         import std.file: dirEntries, FileException, SpanMode;

         try {
             auto filenames = dirEntries(PACKAGE_DIR, 
             foreach (debs;!readPackageFile(filenames))
                 foreach (deb; debs)
                     debForName[] = deb.dup;
         } catch (FileException err) {
             import std.stdio: stderr;
             stderr.writeln("failed to read packages: ", err);

I had to change readPackageFile (and the functions it calls), 

Deb[] readPackageFile(string filename) {
     import std.file: FileException;
     import std.range: enumerate;
     import std.stdio: File, stderr;

     Deb[] debs;
     Deb deb;
     try {
         bool inDescription = false; // Descriptions can by 
         bool inContinuation = false; // Other things can be 
         auto file = File(filename);
         foreach(lino, line; file.byLine.enumerate(1))
             readPackageLine(debs, deb, filename, lino, line, 
         if (deb.valid)
             debs ~= deb.dup;
     } catch (FileException err) {
         stderr.writefln("error: %s: failed to read packages: %s",
                         filename, err);
     return debs;

I also changed main() to do some timings & to allow me to compare 

void main(const string[] args) {
     import std.datetime.stopwatch: AutoStart, StopWatch;
     import std.stdio: stderr, writeln;

     auto model = Model();
     auto timer = StopWatch(AutoStart.yes);
     stderr.writefln("read %,d packages in %s", model.length, 
     if (args.length > 1)
         foreach (deb; model.debForName)

This produces the same output as the single-threaded version.

Here's the output of a typical single-threaded version's run:

read 65,480 packages in 1 sec, 314 ms, 798 μs, and 7 hnsecs

And here's the output of a typical task-based multi-threaded 
version's run:

read 65,480 packages in 1 sec, 377 ms, 605 μs, and 3 hnsecs

In fact, the multi-threaded has never yet been as fast as the 
single-threaded version!

I've put both versions on github in case anyone's interested:

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