Aliasing current function template instance

Jean-Louis Leroy jl at
Fri May 1 20:28:58 UTC 2020

Is it possible, inside a function template, to create an alias to 
the instantiated function? IOW the equivalent of __FUNCTION__, 
but yielding an alias?

The closest I came is:

   import std.string;
   import std.traits;

   void foo(T)(lazy T)
       "alias thisFunction = ",
     pragma(msg, Parameters!thisFunction);

   void main()

   dmd -c aliasthisfunction.d
   (lazy int)
   (lazy string)

...but (unsurprisingly) this fails in presence of overloads. I.e. 
if I throw in:

   void foo(T)(int, T);

...then I get:

   aliasthisfunction.d(6): Error: template `` 
matches more than one template declaration:
   aliasthisfunction.d(4):     `foo(T)(lazy T)`
   aliasthisfunction.d(20):     `foo(T)(int, T)`

Something I have overlooked? Any ideas?

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