Objective C protocols

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Sun May 17 12:04:31 UTC 2020

On 2020-05-17 11:32, John Colvin wrote:
> On Saturday, 16 May 2020 at 19:14:51 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
>> What's the best way to implement an Objective C protocol in D?
>> I see mention here 
>> https://dlang.org/changelog/2.085.0.html#4_deprecated_objc_interfaces 
>> but it's not clear where things are these days.

It's the same these days. It's still not implemented.

> Based on some experimentation, I'm starting to wonder do protocols 
> actually have any runtime component in Objective C?

No, not really.

> Because if I pass in  an extern(Objective-C) class with the right interface to a function 
> expecting a protocol everything just works.

Yes, that works fine.

You can put the methods from the protocol directly in the class that 
implements them or in a base class. If you really want to have a 
specific type for the protocol you can use an abstract class to emulate 
an interface/protocol and cast your actual class to the abstract class:

extern (Objective-C)
abstract class Printer // the protocol
     void print(int value) @selector("print:");

extern (Objective-C)
class Foo : NSObject
     override static Foo alloc() @selector("alloc");
     override Foo init() @selector("init");

     void print(int value) @selector("print:")

extern (Objective-C) void print(Printer);

void main()
     auto foo = Foo.alloc.init;
     print(cast(Printer) cast(void*) foo); // need to cast through void*

/Jacob Carlborg

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