Mir Slice Column or Row Major

data pulverizer data.pulverizer at gmail.com
Wed May 27 01:31:23 UTC 2020


I have started running Kernel benchmarks calculations using Mir 
NDSlice, and I'm getting times that are much slower than 
expected. To check that I'm not making an obvious mistake, below 
are samples of the code I am using. The way the selection happens 
is that the `calculateKernelMatrix` function assumes that the 
data under the slice object is column major, if it is row major 
the calculation will be slow which could account for the issues 
I'm seeing. Thanks

Dot product functor
struct DotProduct(T)
   this(T _nothing)
   T opCall(U...)(Slice!(T*, U) x, Slice!(T*, U) y) const
     T dist = 0;
     auto m = x.length;
     for(size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i)
       dist += x[i] * y[i];
     return dist;

Kernel Matrix function:
auto calculateKernelMatrix(alias K, T, U...)(K!(T) kernel, 
Slice!(T*, U) data)
   size_t n = data.length!1;
   auto mat = slice!(T)(n, n);

   foreach(j; taskPool.parallel(iota(n)))
     auto arrj = data[0..$, j];
     foreach(size_t i; j..n)
       mat[i, j] = kernel(data[0..$, i], arrj);
       mat[j, i] = mat[i, j];
   return mat;

Benchmark Function
auto bench(alias K, T)(K!(T) kernel, long[] n, bool verbose = 
   auto times = new double[n.length];
   auto sw = StopWatch(AutoStart.no);
   foreach(i; 0..n.length)
     double[3] _times;
     auto data = UniformVariable!T(0, 1).randomSlice(784L, n[i]);
     foreach(ref t; _times[])
       auto mat = calculateKernelMatrix!(K, T)(kernel, data);
       t = sw.peek.total!"nsecs"/1000_000_000.0;
     times[i] = sum(_times[])/3.0;
       writeln("Average time for n = ", n[i], ", ", times[i], " 
       writeln("Detailed times: ", _times, "\n");
   return tuple(n, times);

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