Regex and manipulating files

Jack jckj33 at
Mon Nov 16 21:50:42 UTC 2020

On Monday, 16 November 2020 at 10:51:51 UTC, Bloris wrote:
> I've to convert a linux dash script because it is too slow and 
> i decded to do it in D. I'm totally new to this and i think it 
> could be a good exercise to learn this language.
> The shell script does some simple jobs like:
> 0) Run the script with some options
> 1) sed/grep regex to catch a portion of a file.
>     For example: it finds the line that match "1234" and take 
> all the lines until the line that match "abcd".
> 2) sed regex to catch some strings
>     For example: "abc sdfs#=8 // some text" i've to take "8" 
> and "some text"
> 3) Creates dirs and copy files
> 4) Add specific char to a specific column position at every row 
> of a file
>     Original file:
>     abcdefghij
>     1234567890
>     c34vt59erj
>     04jèoàòr4t
>     14sdf7g784
>     Edited file:
>     ab;cde;f;g;hij
>     12;345;6;7;890
>     c3;4vt;5;9;erj
>     04;jèo;à;ò;r4t
>     14;sdf;7;g;784
> I would like to know what could be the best approach i would 
> have to take with D to write simple, elegant and fast code, 
> scanning files with more than 3000+ columns per line.
> Thank you,
> Loris

regex you can use std.regex module
IO stuff, read files, creatoe folders, etc:
I'm not sure about performance, if you find it be slow, maybe 
there are something better at it also 
depends on your algorithm/code, of course

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