Problem with gfm.math.matrix (some gamedevs out there ?)

Thomas earthwormjimmy at
Thu Sep 3 12:36:35 UTC 2020


I am following some examples in C++ about how OpenGL is working. 
There are great tutorials out there and most of it works also 
with D.
For my code I am using gfm.math.matrix (Version 8.0.3) to be able 
to calculate the mouse position in a 3d world.
Now I have some problems with the projection matrix by inverting 

My example code:
import std.stdio;

int main()

     import gfm.math.matrix;

     const int width = 800;
     const int height = 600;

     auto projectionMatrix = mat4!(float).identity();
     auto ratio = cast(float)width / cast(float)height;

     projectionMatrix = mat4!(float).perspective( 45.0f, ratio, 
0.0f, 100.0f );

     writeln("projectionMatrix: ", projectionMatrix );

     auto inversedMatrix = mat4!(float).identity();
     inversedMatrix = projectionMatrix.inverse();  // <-- why this 
does not work ?
     writeln("inversedMatrix: ", inversedMatrix );

     return 0;

The projection matrix will be calculated correctly with
[1.34444, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.79259, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -0, 0, 0, -1, 0] 
assuming that the screen size is 800x600.

But using the .inverse() function in gfm returns only a matrix 
with following values:
[-nan, -nan, -nan, -nan, -nan, -nan, -nan, -nan, -nan, -nan, 
-nan, -nan, -nan, -nan, inf, -inf]

I don't know what I am doing wrong here:
   - do I call the function wrong way ? (but there is no other way)
   - is there a bug in the function ? (I do not believe that 
because the library is battle proved)

So I looked a couple of hours for an answer, but did not find 
anything useful.

Is somebody out there who could help me out ? Maybe one developer 
of the d gfm library ?

Thank you for you time!


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