UDA inheritance

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 13:35:49 UTC 2020

On Thursday, 10 September 2020 at 13:06:41 UTC, Joseph Rushton 
Wakeling wrote:
> `hasUDA!(T, AnotherUDA)`

...do you have to use hasUDA?

The language works with class UDAs, but hasUDA doesn't support it.

If you write your own test function though you can:

``import std.traits;

class BaseUDA {
         static BaseUDA opCall(string a) {
                 return new BaseUDA(a);

         string a_;
         string a() { return a_; }

         this(string a) {
                 this.a_ = a;

class DerivedUDA : BaseUDA {
         static DerivedUDA opCall(string a) { return new 
DerivedUDA(a); }
         this(string a) { super(a); }

@DerivedUDA("test") struct Test {}

BaseUDA hasOurUda(T)() {
         BaseUDA found = null;
         foreach(uda; __traits(getAttributes, T)) {
                 static if(is(typeof(uda) : BaseUDA))
                         found = uda;
         return found;

pragma(msg, hasOurUda!Test);


Or, of course, if you are making your own function, you can still 
do a plain type == a || b, but the class is fairly natural for 
more user extension.

the opCall there is not necessary, it just saves the `new`. This 
is equally valid:

@(new DerivedUDA("test")) struct Test {}

You could also use static immutable class instances kinda like 
enum instances:


import std.traits;

class BaseUDA {
         string a_;
         string a() const { return a_; }

         this(string a) immutable {
                 this.a_ = a;

         static immutable A = new immutable BaseUDA("A");
         static immutable B = new immutable BaseUDA("B");

class DerivedUDA : BaseUDA {
         this(string a) immutable { super(a); }

         static immutable C = new immutable DerivedUDA("C");

// or use B or C or wahtever
@(DerivedUDA.A) struct Test {}

pragma(msg, __traits(getAttributes, Test));

immutable(BaseUDA) hasOurUda(T)() {
        // awkward to work around unreachable code warning
         BaseUDA found = null;
         foreach(uda; __traits(getAttributes, T)) {
                 static if(is(typeof(uda) : const BaseUDA))
                         found = cast() uda;
         return cast(immutable) found;

pragma(msg, hasOurUda!Test);


so if you are willing to write your own test function there's a 
lot of options to consider.

But if you're stuck with Phobos... well, back to the drawing bard.

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