Timeout around function call

Ali Çehreli acehreli at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 22 21:54:28 UTC 2020

On 9/22/20 2:32 AM, drathier wrote:> What's the obvious way to put a 
timeout around a function call? I'm
 > thinking a 5 or 30 second timeout, and I'm expecting it to pretty much
 > never time out.

I would start a thread and use receiveTimeout():

import std.concurrency;
import std.stdio;
import std.exception;
import core.thread;

// Uncomment to see what happens upon time out.
// version = doTimeout;

void compute(int i) {
   version (doTimeout) {
     writeln("The thread is napping.");
   ownerTid.send(i + 1);

void main() {
   auto worker = spawn(&compute, 42);
   const received = receiveTimeout(

     (int result) {
       writefln!"Received the result: %s"(result);

   enforce(received, "Timed out.");

The thread need not be one-shot: It can continue waiting for more 
messages until told to stop:

import std.concurrency;
import std.stdio;
import std.exception;
import core.thread;

// Uncomment to see what happens upon time out.
// version = doTimeout;

struct Done {

void computer() {
   bool done = false;
   while (!done) {
       (Done _) {
         done = true;

       (int i) {
         version (doTimeout) {
           writeln("The thread is napping.");
         ownerTid.send(i + 1);

void main() {
   // This time we use spawnLinked() so that we will receive
   // a LinkTerminated message. And the name is different and
   // the argument will be passed later with send().
   auto worker = spawnLinked(&computer);

   foreach (i; 0 .. 10) {
     const received = receiveTimeout(

       (int result) {
         writefln!"Received the result: %s"(result);

     enforce(received, "Timed out.");

   // Tell worker to stop.

   // Wait for worker to terminate.


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