How do I create classes dynamically?

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at
Thu Apr 15 21:28:31 UTC 2021

On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 08:56:18PM +0000, mw via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> of course, one can manually dispatch:
> if      (userInputString == "cat") createCat();
> else if (userInputString == "dog") createDog();
> ...
> but this this tedious.

// Disclaimer: this is proof of concept, I didn't actually run this yet
class Animal {}
class Cat : Animal {}
class Dog : Animal {}

alias SupportedTypes = AliasSeq!(Cat, Dog, /* whatever else you want here */);

string userInputString = ...;
Animal result;
SW: switch (userInputString) {
	static foreach (T; SupportedTypes) {
		case T.stringof:
			result = new T;
			break SW;
		throw new Exception("Unknown object type");

> I have a similar question: how to dynamically use user's input string
> as function name can call it? suppose the function has no argument.

Same idea:

// Disclaimer: this is proof of concept, I didn't actually run this yet
struct Dispatcher {
	void bark() { ... }
	void meow() { ... }
	void moo() { ... }
	... // whatever else you want here

Dispatcher disp;
string userInputString = ...;
SW: switch (userInputString) {
	static foreach (fieldName; __traits(allMembers, disp)) {
		static if (is(typeof(__traits(getMember, disp, fieldName))
			== function)
			case fieldName:
				__traits(getMember, disp, fieldName)();
				break SW;

Basically, the idea is to obtain a list of types/methods/whatever
somehow (either by explicitly listing instances, or via compile-time
introspection), then statically generate switch cases from it.  You can
eliminate many kinds of boilerplate using this little trick.


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