DMD compiler - warning of unused variables

russhy russhy at
Mon Aug 16 21:30:41 UTC 2021

On Monday, 16 August 2021 at 14:14:27 UTC, DLearner wrote:
> Hi
> Please see code below:
> ```
> void main() {
>    import std.stdio;
>    size_t i;
>    size_t j;
>    i = 5;
>    writeln("i = ",i);
> }
> ```
> Is there a compiler option that would warn that variable 'j' is 
> defined but not used?
> Best regards

Hi, not compiler, but with dscanner it is possible, in fact with 
the code-d vscode extension, you get that out of the box with 
visual hints!

Take a look at this screenshot:

If you click on the line, it jumps automatically to the right 
line, very nice tooling

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