Non-consistent implicit function template specializations

Rekel paultjeadriaanse at
Tue Aug 17 14:20:00 UTC 2021

As my post was not the actual cause of my issue (my apology for 
the mistake), I think I have found the actual reason I'm 
currently having problems.
This seems to be related to a (seeming, I might be wrong) 
inability to specialize over both 1d and 2d arrays separately. 
(If constraining the length to values.)

This brings me to 2 questions.
1. How does one specialize a template for both 1d and 2d arrays 
at the same time?
2. Are there any plans to rework templates? like:
- Making `template TFoo(T : T[])` illegal. This makes little 
sense to me however I look at it, and as several people have 
advised against it it's confusing it's in the docs. (21.4.1)
- Changing the way priorities are set using specializations in 
general, to make them less pitfall-y.
- Allow for 2+d length specification. At the moment `T[][L]` 
works while `T[L][L]` does not seem to.

void foo(T)(T a){...}

void foo(T:U[L], uint L)(T a){...}
void foo(T:U[L][L], uint L)(T a){...} // Never matched
void foo(T:U[L], U:V[L], V uint L)(T a){...} // Never matched 

// Alternative workaround, very cluttery but with more control.
void foo(T)(T a) if(!is(typeof(a[0]))&&!is(typeof(a[0][0]))) {...}
void foo(T, uint L)(T[L] a) if(!is(typeof(a[0]))){...}
void foo(T, uint L)(T[L][L] a) {...} // Still does not work.
void foo(T, unit L(T[][L] a) {static foreach(i;0..L) 
assert(a[i].length==L); ...} // Will (generally) work but may 
include runtime checking & is generally much less preferrable.

// Should work with
void main(string[] args) {

- Supporting specializations such as the following (from
void foo(L, T, uint S)(L l, T[S] r){

void bar(L, R:T[S], T, uint S)(L l, R r){

void main(string[] args) {
	foo(1, [1,2,3,4]); // "foo"
	bar(1, [1,2,3,4]); // "cannot deduce function"
I'm actually still not sure why this shouldn't work, but changing 
bar to foo isn't too difficult. (though it's more preferrable to 
work regardless, it currently feels like a pitfall)


Not sure if I'm asking the right questions, hope it's not of 
- Rekel

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