Double bracket "{{" for scoping static foreach is no longer part of D

rikki cattermole rikki at
Wed Dec 22 16:01:49 UTC 2021

Seems to be working just fine as of 2.098.

import std;
void main()
     static foreach(Foo; ["Abc", "def"]) {{
         string str = Foo;
     	writeln("Hello D ", str, __VERSION__);

Hello D Abc2098
Hello D def2098

Anyway, AliasAssign has nothing to do with this. This "trick" creates a 
closure aka ``() { ... }``. Thats all its doing.

 From the AST dump:

import object;
import std;
void main()
		string str = "Abc";
		writeln("Hello D ", str, 2098L);
		string str = "def";
		writeln("Hello D ", str, 2098L);
	return 0;

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