GC.addRange in pure function

Petar Petar
Wed Feb 10 16:25:44 UTC 2021

On Wednesday, 10 February 2021 at 13:44:53 UTC, vit wrote:
> On Wednesday, 10 February 2021 at 12:17:43 UTC, rm wrote:
>> On 09/02/2021 5:05, frame wrote:
>>> On Sunday, 7 February 2021 at 14:13:18 UTC, vitamin wrote:
>>>> Why using 'new' is allowed in pure functions but calling 
>>>> GC.addRange or GC.removeRange isn't allowed?
>>> Does 'new' violate the 'pure' paradigm? Pure functions can 
>>> only call pure functions and GC.addRange or GC.removeRange is 
>>> only 'nothrow @nogc'.
>> new allocates memory via the GC and the GC knows to scan this 
>> location. Seems like implicit GC.addRange.
> Yes, this is my problem, if `new` can create object in pure 
> function, then GC.addRange and GC.removeRange is may be pure 
> too.
> Can I call GC.addRange and GC.removeRange from pure function 
> without problem? (using assumePure(...)() ).

TL;DR Yes, you can, but it depends on what "without problem" 
means for you :P

# The Dark Arts of practical D code

According to D's general approach to purity, malloc/free/GC.* are 
indeed impure as they read and write global **mutable** state, 
but are still allowed in pure functions **if encapsulated 
properly**. The encapsulation is done by @trusted wrappers which 
must be carefully audited by humans - the compiler can't help you 
with that.

The general rule that you must follow for such 
*callable-from-pure* code (technically it is labeled as `pure`, 

     pragma(mangle, "malloc") pure @system @nogc nothrow
     void* fakePureMalloc(size_t);

but I prefer to make the conceptual distinction) is that the 
effect of calling the @trusted wrapper must not drastically leak 
/ be observed.

What "drastically" means depends on what you want `pure` to mean 
in your application. Which side-effects you want to protect 
against by using `pure`? It is really a high-level concern that 
you as a developer must decide on when writing/using @trusted 
pure code in your program. For example, generally everyone will 
agree that network calls are impure. But what about logging? It's 
impure by definition, since it mutates a global log stream. But 
is this effect worth caring about? In some specific situations it 
maybe ok to ignore. This is why in D you can call `writeln` in 
`pure` functions, as long as it's inside a `debug` block. But 
given that you as a developer can decide whether to pass `-debug` 
option to the compiler, essentially you're in control of what 
`pure` means for your codebase, at least to some extent.

100% mathematical purity is impossible even in the most strict 
functional programming language implementations, since our 
programs run on actual hardware and not on an idealized 
mathematical machine. For example, even the act of reading 
immutable data can be globally observed as by measuring the 
memory access times - see Spectre [1] and all other 
microarchitecture side-channel [1] vulnerabilities.

[2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Side-channel_attack

That said, function purity is not useless at all, quite the 
contrary. It is about making your programs more deterministic and 
easy to reason about. We all want less bugs in our code and less 
time spent chasing hard to reproduce crashes, right?

`pure` is really about limiting, containing / compartmentalizing 
and controlling the the (in-deterministic) global effects in your 
program. Ideally you should strive to structure your programs as 
a pure core, driven by an imperative, impure shell. E.g. if 
you're working on an accounting application, the core is the part 
that implements the main domain / business logic and should be 
100% deterministic and pure. The imperative shell is the part 
that reads spreadsheet files, exports to pdf, etc. (actually just 
the actual file I/O needs to be impure - the actual decoding / 
encoding of data structures can be perfectly pure).

Now, back to practice and the question of memory management.

Of course allocating memory is globally observable effect and 
even locally one can compare pointers, as Paul Backus mentioned, 
as D is a systems language. However, as a practical concession, 
D's concept of pure-ity is about ensuring high-level invariants 
and so such low-level concerns can be ignored, as long as the 
codebase doesn't observe them. What does it mean to observe them? 
Here's an example:

void main()
     import std.stdio : writeln;
     observingLowLevelSideEffects.writeln; // `false`, but could 
be `true`
     notObservingSideEffects.writeln; // always `true`

// BAD:
bool observingLowLevelSideEffects() pure
     immutable a = [2];
     immutable b = [2];
     return a.ptr == b.ptr;

// OK
bool notObservingSideEffects() pure
     immutable a = [2];
     immutable b = [2];
     return a == b;

`observingLowLevelSideEffects` is bad, as according to the 
language rules, the compiler is free to make `a` and `b` point to 
the same immutable array, the result of the function is 
implementation defined (or worse unspecified), which exactly what 
purity should help us avoid. If `observingLowLevelSideEffects` 
was not marked as `pure` it wouldn't be "BAD", just "meh". In 
contrast, `notObservingSideEffects` is "OK", even though 
ironically the implementation of array equality first compares 
the pointers. So, `notObservingSideEffects` is basically doing 
the same as `observingLowLevelSideEffects` plus some extra code.

So it's really just a question of whether the side-effects can be 

If in order to perform some calculation a function allocated some 
temporary memory on the heap, but then freed it once it was done, 
would else someone care? If you're on a micro controller with 
very limited memory then yes, but otherwise probably no.
And what if the function didn't allocate any additional memory? 
And what if the function is memoized (i.e. it caches the result 
of the calculation for some set of arguments)? If the cache was 
shared by all threads and protected by a mutex it could be a 
problem. Especially if the code locks the mutex while the 
function is executing, but then the function proceeds to acquire 
another mutex - it starts smell like a deadlock possibility. But 
what if the cache was just thread-local - surely this must be 
better? The answer is "yes", even though as far as the language 
is concerned whether a global mutable variable is thread-local or 
`shared` doesn't matter for function purity. But one is obviously 
more deterministic than the other, even though hard to quantify.

So a good heuristic is that the more a side-effect is localized 
and controlled, the easier it would be to argue that the code is 
pure, as far as your application is concerned.


Okay, but really what about `GC.addRange` and `GC.removeRange`?

The litmus test is whether the side-effects are controlled, i.e. 
whether your code has strong exception-safety [3][4][5], 
transactional semantics, ... or in other words what happens 
inside it stays inside it.

[4]: https://www.stroustrup.com/except.pdf
[5]: https://www.boost.org/community/exception_safety.html

So if you're implementing an RAII container, then yes, you can 
mark its functions as `pure`, as the destructor will unwind the 
side effects, so at least at a high-level whether GC.addRange / 
GC.removeRange were called is not observable.
Even more, your container was pure, but you forgot to add calls 
to GC.addRange/removeRange, and you stored references to 
GC-allocated data inside those ranges, the use-after-free bugs 
would surely be drastically observable, even if it occurs rarely, 
so well-placed calls to `GC.addRange/removeRange` can make your 
code more "pure", even if not `pure` :D

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