Name mangling problem with tiny Windows 10 load-time DLL example

WhatMeWorry kheaser at
Sun Feb 28 18:29:11 UTC 2021

It seems pretty obvious the problem is with name mangling. But 
how to fix it?

module file;
extern(D) export
     int addOne(int i) { return (i + 1); }
module patron;
import file;	
void main()
     import std.stdio;
     int n = 1;
     writeln("mangled name of addOne is ", addOne.mangleof);
     numb = addOne(numb);
ldc2 -m64 -c file.d
ldc2 -m64 -c patron.d

ldc2 -m64 -shared file.obj -ofloadTime.dll
    Creating library loadTime.lib and object loadTime.exp

Both dumpbin /exports loadTime.lib and dumpbin /exports 
shows:  _D4file6addOneFiZi				
ldc2 patron.obj loadTime.lib

mangled name of addOne is _D6patron6addOneFiZi

// and library function is never called. Does not abend though???


So the library function is named _D4file6addOneFiZi while the 
user wants to call _D6patron6addOneFiZi

So which name is "correct" and how do I get them to agree with 
each other?


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