I want to create my own Tuple type

Ola Fosheim Grøstad ola.fosheim.grostad at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 12:14:59 UTC 2021

Ok, so I now have this, but I think maybe the switch could be 
turned into a static array by an reinterpret cast of 
"&expand[0]"? I would assume the layout would typically be 
"expand_field_0, expand_field_1 etc...

template Tuple(Types...){
     template same(){
         static foreach (i, dummy; Types) {
             static if (i + 1 < Types.length && !is(typeof(same) 
== bool)
                        && !is(Types[i] == Types[i + 1])) {
                 enum bool same = false;
         static if (!is(typeof(same) == bool)) {
             enum bool same = true;

     struct Tuple {
         Types expand;
         alias expand this;

         static if (same!()) {
             auto opIndex(size_t i) {
                 switch (i) {
                     static foreach (j; 0 .. Types.length) {
                         case j: return this.expand[j];
                     default: assert(0);

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