How do I compose pipes?

Anthony anthoq88 at
Thu Jan 28 10:16:39 UTC 2021

This post 

>Pipes can, for example, be used for interprocess communication 
>by spawning a new process and passing one end of the pipe to the 
>child, while the parent uses the other end. (See also 
>pipeProcess and pipeShell for an easier way of doing this.)

auto p = pipe();
auto outFile = File("D downloads.txt", "w");
auto cpid = spawnProcess(["curl", 
                          stdin, p.writeEnd);
scope(exit) wait(cpid);
auto gpid = spawnProcess(["grep", "-o", `http://\S*\.zip`],
                          p.readEnd, outFile);
scope(exit) wait(gpid);

How am I able to compose the pipes from pipeProcess if I can't 
pass in an existing pipe into the function. Eg.

auto p = pipeProcess("ls");
auto q = pipeProcess("cat", stdin = p.stdout); //it would be good 
to do this or something like it

Do I need to manually extract the output from pipes.stdin.readln 
and place it in pipes.stdout.writeln?
Or is there an easier way to do this?


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