Exit before second main with -funittest

Brian Tiffin btiffin at gnu.org
Fri Jul 30 01:01:02 UTC 2021

Is this good, bad or indifferent (a right left choice, first one 
doesn't matter)?

module cpuiding;

/+ imports +/
import std.stdio: writeln;
import core.cpuid;

/++ start here +/
void main(string[] args) {


/++ Self Test Once Only main +/
unittest {
    import core.stdc.stdlib: _Exit;
    main(["Hello, world"]);

Dumb?  Breaks things in weird ways?   Do what you want locally, 
it's a preference for what you may want to do some times?  I'm 
finding it avoids a fair amount of clutter when testing main arg 
handling, but too new to know if it's against the grain of intent.


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