How to I get pointer to an Array and cast to a void * and back ?

seany seany at
Thu Jun 24 14:06:11 UTC 2021

I have a struct :

     struct a {
        int i;
        // some more stuff ...

In a Class, I define public global `void * dataSet; `

In a function `f`, of the same class:  i call :

     void f() {
     a[] rd_flattened;	
     a[] * rd;	

     // DO SOME WORK HERE ....

     this.dataSet = & rd_flattened;	
     rd = cast (a [] *)  dataSet;

     write("length of rd is : "); writeln((*rd).length); // <--- 
this works..
     // do some work on rd

     this.dataSet = rd;
     rd = cast (field.rawData [] *)  dataSet;

     write("length of rd for a second time is : ");
     writeln((*rd).length); // <--- this ALSO works..

Now outside `f`, in the same class, i call :

     void f2() {


     a[] *aa ;
     aa = cast (a [] *)  this.dataSet; // recall dataset is public 
     // if i print the address of this.dataSet here, this is the 
same as inside f()
     write("after calling f, count is: "); writeln((*aa).length); 
     // here the situation completely blows up . the length is 

I need some help here. Sorry, can't post code. It is proprietary.

What is causing this issue ?

thank you.

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