How do I check if this field is of this template struct?

Jack jckj33 at
Fri Mar 19 07:14:46 UTC 2021

give below template struct, how can I list the members x, y and 
z? I've tried something with OriginalType and TemplateOf but no 
luck... it seems if I do foo!"str1" the "str1" became "part of 
type"? give .stringof from typeof(__traits(getMember, foo, 
field)) I thought the type would be foo!string or something.

Here's the code:

template foo(string s = null)
	struct foo
		int n;

		enum x = foo!"str1"(10);
		enum y = foo!"str2"(20);
		enum z = foo!"str3"(30);

		enum myEnum { none }

		void someMethod() { }

not working listener:

void list()
	static foreach(field; __traits(allMembers, foo!()))
		alias m = __traits(getMember, foo!(), field);
		static if(!isType!m && __traits(isSame, 
OriginalType!(typeof(m)), foo))
			writefln("field = [%s]", field);

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