String "dequote" in phobos?

Imperatorn johan_forsberg_86 at
Thu May 13 16:40:29 UTC 2021

On Thursday, 13 May 2021 at 14:10:08 UTC, cc wrote:
> Does something to dequote (unquote? or what would you call it?) 
> a string exist in the standard library?  I didn't see one in 
> std.string, just wondering before reinventing the wheel.
> Something like:
> ```d
> assert(dequote(`"foo"`) == "foo");
> assert(dequote(`'foo'`) == "foo");
> assert(dequote(`"foo's"`) == "foo's");
> assert(dequote(`'foo "bar"'`) == `foo "bar"`);
> assert(dequote(`"fo\"o"`) == `fo"o`);
> dequote(`"fo"o"`); // bad quoting, maybe throw an exception 
> here or something?
> ```

Wouldn't this just this do that? 🤔

string dequote(string s)
     return s[1..$-1];

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