auto ref function parameter causes that non copyable struct is copied?

tchaloupka chalucha at
Mon Nov 8 23:26:39 UTC 2021

Lets have this code:

import core.lifetime : forward;
import core.stdc.stdio;
import std.algorithm : move;

struct Value(T) {
     private T storage;

     this()(auto ref T val) {
         storage = forward!val;

     ref inout(T) get() inout {
         return storage;

Value!T value(T)(auto ref T val) {
     return Value!T(forward!val);

auto ref unwrap(EX)(auto ref EX res) {
     return res.get();

struct Foo {
     int n;
     @disable this(this);
     ~this() { printf("~this(%d)\n", n); }

auto gen() {
     Foo f;
     f.n = 42;
     return value(f.move());

void main() {
     Foo f;
     f = gen().unwrap.move;

As I understand it unwrap in `f = gen().unwrap.move` can't be 
called by ref (as gen() returns rvalue) so it would force the 
`Value` to be copied but as it holds non copyable struct, it 
can't be and so it should end up with a compiler error.

But the code outputs:
~this(42) <- this is a copy (that shouldn't exist) being destroyed

This could cause unwanted resource cleanup on a seemingly non 
copyable structs.
Bug or feature? :)

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