How to make a function that accepts optional struct but can accept struct literal too

JN 666total at
Fri Oct 15 20:33:33 UTC 2021

Is there some nice way of achieving something like this C99 code 
in D?

#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct {
     int x, y;
} inputs_t;

void foo(inputs_t* optional_inputs)
     if (!optional_inputs) {
         printf("0 0\n");
     } else {
         printf("%d %d \n", optional_inputs->x, 

int main(void) {
     foo(NULL); // prints 0 0
     foo(&(inputs_t){.x = 5, .y = 6}); // prints 5 6

below code won't work. Yes, I know I can just use a local 
variable in this case and pass a pointer, but I'd like to get it 
to work with literal structs too.

import std.stdio;

struct inputs_t {
     int x, y;

void foo(inputs_t* optional_inputs)
     if (!optional_inputs) {
         writeln("0 0");
     } else {
         writeln(optional_inputs.x, optional_inputs.y);

void main() {
     foo(null); // prints 0 0
     foo(&(inputs_t(5, 6))); // error: inputs_t(5,6) is not an 
lvalue and cannot be modified

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