Assigning to array of structs with custom constructor

Ali Çehreli acehreli at
Mon Apr 25 15:23:12 UTC 2022

On 4/25/22 07:36, cc wrote:
 > ```d
 > struct Foo {
 >      string s;
 >      this(string s) { this.s = s; }
 > }
 > Foo foo = "a";

I don't understand why that syntax exists. I always write it like this:

   auto foo = Foo("a");

 > Foo[] foos = ["a"]; // Error: cannot implicitly convert expression
 > `["a"]` of type `string[]` to `Foo[]`

This is a way:

   Foo[] foos = [Foo("a")];


   import std.stdio;
   import std.algorithm;
   import std.range;
   import std.conv;
   auto arr = iota(10).map!(i => Foo(i.text)).array;


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