passing a variadic parameter to randomSample

Ali Çehreli acehreli at
Tue Jan 25 22:07:43 UTC 2022

On 1/25/22 13:55, forkit wrote:

 > auto RandomChoice(R...)(R r)

Watch out though: The compiler will compile a different function per set 
of values. For example, there will be separate RandomChoice instances 
for ("hello") vs. ("world").

D has a simple variadic parameter syntax as well:

auto RandomChoice(R)(R[] r...)

 > {
 >      auto rnd = MinstdRand0(unpredictableSeed);
 >      return only(r).randomSample(1, rnd).front;

Which makes that simpler as well because being a slice, r is already a 
range. And there is choice():

     return r.choice(rnd);

Something is very important though: The 'r' slice is short-lived; it 
does not live in dynamic memory. RandomChoice() should not save it for 
later use nor return it. (The compiler may have protection against that; 
I am not sure.)


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