How to make a generic function to take a class or struct by reference?

JN 666total at
Sun Mar 27 16:27:44 UTC 2022

I would like to have only one definition of getX if possible, 
because they both are doing the same thing. I can't remove the 
ref one, because without a ref it will pass the struct as a 
temporary and compiler won't like that.

import std.stdio;

struct Foo
     int x;

     void doStuff()
         *getX(this) = 5;

class Bar
     int x;

     void doStuff()
         *getX(this) = 5;

int* getX(T)(ref T t)
     return &t.x;

int* getX(T)(T t)
     return &t.x;

void main()
     Foo foo;
     Bar bar = new Bar();


     assert(foo.x == 5);
     assert(bar.x == 5);

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