aa.keys, synchronized and shared

Kagamin spam at here.lot
Fri Nov 11 14:28:51 UTC 2022

With allocation:
synchronized final class SyncAA(K, V)
	V opIndex(K key) { return sharedTable[key]; }
	V opIndexAssign(V value, K key) { return sharedTable[key]=value; 
	const(K[]) keys() const { return unsharedTable.keys; }
	void remove(K key) { sharedTable.remove(key); }
	V get(K key, lazy V defaultValue=V.init)
		auto p = key in sharedTable;
		return p ? *p : defaultValue;
	V[K] sharedTable;
	ref inout(V[K]) unsharedTable() inout
		return *cast(inout(V[K])*)&sharedTable;
shared SyncAA!(string,string) saa;
void f()
	saa=new shared SyncAA!(string,string);

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