Hipreme's #6 Tip of the day - Knowing when and how to use dub's Have_version

Hipreme msnmancini at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 13 23:34:29 UTC 2022

Although I really don't like many things about how dub does, it 
brings many facilities. Imagine the following project structure:

Project A is using library B

Now, imagine that our `module b` has the following code:

module b;

void print(string s){imported!"std.stdio".writeln(s);}

else version(Have_A)
     void printA(string s){imported!"std.stdio".writeln("Printing 
from A!");}

Now, using the project A:

module a;

void main()
   import b;
   printA("Printing from my project");

Now, do try to build it.

It compiles! But then you get a linker error! `Unresolved 
external function printA`.
Now, do you understand why this just happened? If you execute 
`dub --verbose` You will be able to understand what just happened:

Build command for B: `dmd b.d -lib`
Build command for A: `-Imodule/b -version=Have_A b.lib a.d`

So: Your function printA does not get included in the process! As 
when the `b.lib` was built, there wasn't any version for doing 
the implementation, but when A imported B, it basically imports B 

void print(string s);
void printA(string s);

So, it won't be actually implementing your function, it just 
knows about the symbol existence, so, why should you ever use 

The following code for B would have worked:
module b;
//Same thin above void print(string s)...

    public import a.print_a_implementation;

That way `module a.print_a_implementation` and then, you can 
guarantee that your code will be included (if 
print_a_implementation.d exists in your project)!

So, the key way to think about this is by when thinking about 
using `version(Have_LibraryNameHere)`, you will need to think 
about a 2 compiler passes, one for implementing the functions, 
another for including them. If you remember that, you won't do 
the same mistake as me :)

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