Generate a pointer to a method of a struct

kdevel kdevel at
Sat Oct 15 01:48:15 UTC 2022

On Saturday, 15 October 2022 at 00:31:47 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
>> ```
>> auto funcptr (alias method) ()
>> {
>>    return &method;
>> }
>>       :
>>       fun = funcptr!bar;
>>       :
>> ```
>> Which works but neither dmd nor gdc were able to optimize the 
>> additional function call away.
> pragma(inline, true)
> auto funcptr (alias method) ()

Thanks. Just found that

template funcptr (alias method) {
    enum funcptr = &method;

works on both dmd and gdc. This gives rise to questions:

Is this code expected to compile and pass its unittest?

struct S {
    void bar () { }

enum ei = &;
immutable i = &;  // line 6
const c = &;      // line 7

unittest {
    import std.stdio;
    writeln (ei);
    writeln (i);
    writeln (c);

gdc passes while dmd says:

$ dmd -unittest -main -run ini
ini.d(6): Error: non-constant expression `& bar`
ini.d(7): Error: non-constant expression `& bar`

Is this consistent?

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