Find out what type my class is being converted to for comparisons

Matthew Rushworth nope at nopey.nope
Tue Oct 18 18:53:41 UTC 2022

I am in the process of building a matrix class (uni project, with 
my choice of programming language) and appear to have run into a 
problem that I'm not too sure how to fix.

My class uses templates to define the shape of the matrix, 
although I'm not sure if that matters. As part of my class, I 
included a opEquals, but when I try to assert that a matrix 
created by multiplying with the identity matrix matches the 
output (I checked with liberal writeln()s to make sure they do) 
but my opEquals() function (I moved it out of the class as I kept 
getting errors saying it was supposed to be non-const, and 
couldn't figure out how to fix that either) just isn't called.


Matrix code (the only bit of the class used by opEquals):

class Matrix(size_t X, size_t Y = X){
     const size_t x_length = X;
     const size_t y_length = Y;

     double[X*Y] data;


The entirety of opEquals:

/// both matrices have to have an identical shape to compare
/// each element must be identical to match
bool opEquals(size_t X, size_t Y)(const Matrix!(X,Y) m1, const 
Matrix!(X,Y) m2) {
     for (int i = 0; i <; ++i) if ([i] !=[i]) return false;
     return true;

and the code that excepts:

     void main() {
         auto m = new Matrix!(2)(); = [1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0].dup;
         auto n = new Matrix!(2)(); = [2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0].dup;

         auto u = mult(m,n);
         writeln(" vs");
         for (int i = 0; i <; ++i)
             writeln([i], "\t",[i]);

         // using opEquals() directly is working, but it doesn't 
seem to be being used
         //assert(opEquals(u,n),"\"opEquals(u, n)\" is failing."); 
// this works fine
         assert(u == n,"\"u == n\" is failing."); // this fails. 


Any help would be very much appreciated. A way to figure out what 
the '==' is converting its arguments to would also be great, but 
I'm not sure it exists (beyond just sitting down and trying to 
work it out myself, of course)

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