What do you think about using Chat GPT to create functions in D?

cgenie cgenie at pm.me
Tue Apr 4 04:16:43 UTC 2023

I once tested ChatGPT to generate Common Lisp code (a simple 
Redis client). They had a warning that this is not a code 
generation tool nevertheless it tried to do so. All the code it 
had was incorrect: it imported foreign libraries that didn't 
exist and when I complained about it, it apologized and then 
proposed other libraries that didn't exist. Overall I had the 
impression that I'm working with some dumb person who pasted me 
stuff from stackoverflow that seemed to solve my issue.

Let me mention that I once asked ChatGPT what is 11 plus 11 and 
when it responded 22, I told it that it's wrong, it should be 30. 
It apologized and said that I'm right, it's 30. I tried to do the 
same experiment again after one day to show off my friends, but 
it became more resilient to such suggestions.

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