Unresolvable dependencies to package

Mike Parker aldacron at gmail.com
Sat Apr 15 00:42:17 UTC 2023

On Friday, 14 April 2023 at 20:30:56 UTC, el machine code wrote:
> so my question why am i'm getting this error and how do i fix 
> this?

The two listed packages depend on bindbc-sdl, and they do so in a 
way that is incompatible with each other.

On your end, you can edit `dub.selections.json` in your project's 
root directory alongside your `dub.json` and specify the version 
of bindbc-sdl that dub should choose. In this case, it should be 
the same as inochi-creator since that's the latest version:

"dependencies": {
     "bindbc-sdl": "~>1.1.2"

That should resolve the conflict. This approach can cause issues 
when the conflicting versions of a library are incompatible 
(e.g., missing symbols), but in this case you should be fine. As 
far as I'm aware, there should be no incompatibilities betwen 
binbc-sdl 0.x and 1.x.

I also suggest you visit the issues page for bindbc-imgui and 
file an issue there:


The BindBC maintainer recently took over binbc-imgui and added it 
to the BindBC group (it was originally maintained independently 
of the BindBC group). The version of `dub.sdl` in master depends 
on bindbc-sdl 1.1.2, but that version has not been tagged as a 
new release. I'll file an issue there to prompt a new release, 
and I'll also file an issue with inochi-creator to use the new 
release once it's tagged.

But for now, `dub.selections.json` should get your immediate 
problem sorted.

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