How to get only the field name from an alias?

Elfstone elfstone at
Tue Feb 21 02:41:34 UTC 2023

I'm experimenting on a serializer design. The idea includes a 
shorthand for processing a field and its attributes with an 
alias. But I'm not sure whether I can gather enough information 
from it, such as the name of the field. apparently F.stringof 
stands for "this.\<fieldname\>" in this context. So how can I get 
only the field's name? And is it possible to check if F is a 
field? -- In a well defined manner.

	import std.stdio;

	void processField(alias F)(Serializer sz) // is field?
		writeln("attrs ", __traits(getAttributes, F)); // OK
		writeln(F.stringof); // "this.intField"
		sz.process(F.stringof, F); // "serializing int this.intField: 0"

	class Serializer

		void process(string k, ref int v)
			writeln("serializing int ", k, ": ", v);

		void process(string k, ref long v)
			writeln("serializing long ", k, ": ", v);

		void process(U)(ref U v) if (is(U == struct))

	struct OldName
		string name;

	struct Serializable
		int intField;

		void serialize(Serializer sz)

	void main()
		import std.stdio;
		import std.traits;
		import core.internal.traits;

		Serializable v;
		auto sz = new Serializer();

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