How to avoid variable capturing in `foreach` loop with lambdas?

Tejas notrealemail at
Thu Jan 5 15:36:43 UTC 2023

On Thursday, 5 January 2023 at 11:55:33 UTC, thebluepandabear 
> I am using CSFML D bindings and I have created my own sort of 
> UI library for drawing elements onto the screen.
> One of the classes I've created is a `Button` class, which 
> contains a delegate called `onButtonClick` which is called when 
> the button is clicked on by the user.
> Up until now, everything has worked fine.
> I want to add a couple of buttons side by side to represent an 
> element of a list and assign them each a unique lambda 
> expression for that particular element in the list, this is the 
> current code I have:
> ```D
> foreach (BoardSize boardSize; arr) {
>     Button button = new Button();
>     button.text = format("%sx%s", boardSize[0], boardSize[1]);
>     button.onButtonClick = {
> eventHandler.settingsWindow_onBoardSizeButtonClick(boardSize);
>     };
>     button.onButtonClick();
>     _boardSizeRow.addChild(button);
> }
> ```
> Running this code, I had expected that everything would work 
> fine. Unfortunately upon running the code, tapping each of the 
> buttons returned only the largest `boardSize` value, the one 
> which is gets iterated last.
> Note that I am still not totally sure why this is the case. At 
> first, I was confused, but then I suspected that after the 
> variable gets sent as a parameter to the 
> `settingsWindow_onBoardSizeButtonClick` function, it gets 
> changed again in the next iteration creating a sort of chain 
> effect -- I may be wrong, but this is my suspicion.
> Some of the things I tried was creating a new object each time, 
> although it didn't work. I might have not done this properly as 
> I am a beginner to D language. I saw someone else ask a similar 
> question as to why this is happening but that was for C#, not 
> D, so it wasn't that much of a use to me.
> Help would be appreciated!

Ah, I think you ran into that delegate bug

# 🥲

Try this code in it's place:

  foreach (BoardSize boardSize; arr) (){ // notice the brackets
      Button button = new Button();
      button.text = format("%sx%s", boardSize[0], boardSize[1]);
      button.onButtonClick = {

  }() // notice the brackets
This is not your fault, it's an "optimization" that's being 
performed by dmd so that "the user doesn't get surprised" when 
they realize that capturing every single variable emitted in a 
`foreach` will allocate a new heap closure

Have fun reading this :

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