Why not allow elementwise operations on tuples?

Sergei Nosov sergei.nosov at gmail.com
Fri Jan 13 14:22:34 UTC 2023

Hey, everyone!

I was wondering if there's a strong reason behind not 
implementing elementwise operations on tuples?

Say, I've decided to store 2d points in a `Tuple!(int, int)`. It 
would be convenient to just write `a + b` to yield another 
`Tuple!(int, int)`.

I can resort to using `int []` arrays and write elementwise 
operations as `c[] = a[] + b[]` which is almost fine - but it 
uses dynamic allocation and forces the user to create an explicit 
destination variable.

It seems a bit awkward given that it's fairly straightforward to 
write smth as

T opBinary(string op, T)(T lhs, T rhs)
     if (isTuple!T)
     T result;

     static foreach (i; 0 .. T.Types.length)
         mixin("result.field[i] = 

     return result;

You only need to turn it into a member function to make it work. 
You can even make it more general and allow such operations for 
different, but compatible tuple types (there's a function 
`areCompatibleTuples` to check for such compatibility). Yet, 
there's only a specialization for tuple concatenation of 
`opBinary` (and an implementation of `opCmp` and `opAssign`).

So, to repeat the question - is this a deliberate decision to not 
implement the default elementwise operation?

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