Non-ugly ways to implement a 'static' class or namespace?

thebluepandabear therealbluepandabear at
Mon Jan 23 00:21:12 UTC 2023

> That way of naming a global function is essentially a poor 
> man's^W^Wexcuse me, I mean, C's way of working around the lack 
> of a proper namespacing / module system. In D, we do have a 
> proper module system, so you could just call the function 
> `drawLine` and put it in a file named Algo.d, then you can just 
> use D's symbol resolution rules to disambiguate between 
> Algo.drawLine and PersonalSpace.drawLine, for example. :-P
> T

Again, stuffing it into a module is not the same thing as a 
namespace. The user can just bypass this by writing `drawLine`, 
there's nothing in the language currently that would 'force' the 
user to write in a namespace-like/static-class-like fashion, and 
that's the biggest problem.

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