`static` on module-level functions

IchorDev zxinsworld at gmail.com
Fri Jul 7 03:12:50 UTC 2023

Can anyone point me to a part of the D spec that says what 
`static` means when applied to functions that are declared at 
module scope? (Other than module constructors, obviously)
I used to assume the property would do something, so I actually 
used it in a lot of my code when I was first learning D. Now 
someone I work with who’s newer to the language is now also going 
through this phase. The assumption of both me and them was that a 
static module-level function would more-or-less work like a 
function with `pragma(inline, true)`, which makes more sense if 
you overlook how `static` usually applies to *functions* and you 
instead look at how `static` applies to almost everything else: 
variables (their initialisation is compile-time), `if`, 
`foreach`, and `assert`. However, I haven’t seen *anything* to 
suggest that `static` even does anything at all in this case; it 
also doesn’t give you a compiler error or even a warning, is it 
like this to make automatic code generation easier, or does it 
actually do something? Maybe D’s spec could be tweaked to make 
this a bit clearer? On quite a few occasions I’ve searched for 
info about this and found nothing relevant.

P.S. If it doesn’t actually do anything, I wonder if something 
like the behaviour of “static import” would be desirable?

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