Recommendation on plotting library

Chris Piker chris at
Fri Jul 21 04:57:22 UTC 2023

On Friday, 21 July 2023 at 02:40:10 UTC, harakim wrote:
> On Thursday, 20 July 2023 at 02:37:54 UTC, Chris Piker wrote:

> If you happen upon a basic charting library for D during this 
> hunt, please let me know! Last year, I rolled my own and it got 
> the job done, but I wasn't concerned about how they looked. :D

Well, just for fun, if you have a plotting library on github or 
some other public place I wouldn't mind taking a look.  Given the 
state of things, it doesn't have to be awesome to be a good seed 

> As for plotting, I imagine it's c bindings only because there's 
> no need to re-invent the wheel.

(Warning, possible ill-informed opinions ahead...)

In a way there is a need to reinvent the wheel.  With python I 
can run `pip install matplotlib` and get whatever binaries I need 
to get the job done.  D runs on dub, which I only see handling 
source code, and as far as I can tell, only D source code at 
that.  So unless it's D code, it can't be packaged and delivered 
easily within the D ecosystem.

If dub supports either pre-built binaries, or C code (such as 
libcairo2), I'd be interested in seeing how that's done.  With 
the wizardry I've see around here, it's probably easy, I just 
don't know about it.

Going waaaay out on a limb for a minute, I think D shines as a 
scripting language replacement.  Most of my programs are single 
file projects these days with dub set as the interpreter.  Also 
Rust seems to be crowding the system level space and so focusing 
on it's "compiled scripts" capability avoids that competition.

(If any of the statements above are faulty, I invite correction.)

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