Which D compiler is the most maintained and future-proof? [DMD GDC and LDC]

Johan j at j.nl
Mon Jul 24 15:27:58 UTC 2023

On Monday, 24 July 2023 at 13:51:06 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
> DMD is the point of all D feature introductions, and so 
> anything that works with LDC should work with DMD.
> It's the other way around that might cause trouble, since there 
> may be DMD features which haven't yet made it into LDC.

I understand what you mean, but a key reason to use LDC or GDC is 
for all the features that DMD does not have.
- support for more platforms
- CPU intrinsics, more extensive inline assembly
- sanitizers, fuzzing
- special function/variable attributes (e.g. @section, @weak, ...)

To the OP's question, I don't think _any_ of the 3 compilers is 
"future proof". But we'd need a better definition of what OP 
means with "future proof" to give a better answer.


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