Anyone help me with a stack dump?

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Mon Jul 31 14:38:25 UTC 2023

On 7/31/23 9:09 AM, Cecil Ward wrote:
> The unitttests that I have just put in crash spectacularly with an 
> access violation. I built the code with LDC for Aarch64 / OSX and I 
> fired up lldb. I now have to learn lldb quick. (BTW Where can I get an 
> x86 / linux build of lldb or similar ?)
> This is the stack dump, and I could do with some help decoding parts of it

unittest_L1541 -> unittest on line 1541.

Probably something in there doing appending?

I myself have a hard time with lldb. I understand gdb a lot better.


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