class Object with Dependency Injection

Salih Dincer salihdb at
Sun Jun 18 14:37:10 UTC 2023

Hi, below is an example of DI-dependency injection with 3 
versions nested in the code. If you remove the leading // 
characters, you will not get the "no property `deliver` for 
`service` of type `object.Object`" error.  Because version-2I 
with interface wants its methods to depend on Object..

//abstract class /* toggle-code
interface //* ^---version 2A */
   string deliver();

class Ship : ITransport
   override string deliver()
     return "Ship Deliver";

class Truck : ITransport
   override string deliver()
     return "Truck Deliver";

abstract class Logistics
   ITransport createTransport();

   auto operations()
     return createTransport.deliver();

class RoadLogistics : Logistics
   override ITransport createTransport()
     return new Truck();

class SeaLogistics : Logistics
   override ITransport createTransport()
     return new Ship();

import std.stdio;
void main()
   // DI version 1:
   auto sl = new SeaLogistics;
   auto rl = new RoadLogistics;

   auto logistics = [ sl, rl ];
   foreach(deliver; logistics)
     auto str = deliver.operations();
     str.length.writeln(": ", str);

   import std.range : repeat;
   "÷ ".repeat(9).writefln!"%-(%s%)";

   // A->I version 2:
   auto truck = new Truck;
   auto ship = new Ship;

   auto services = [ truck, ship ];
   foreach(service; services)
     auto str = service.deliver();
     str.length.writeln(": ", str);
Maybe using an abstract class instead of interface or not using 
auto will solve the problem, but I can't accept the situation!  I 
wonder what makes the interface special?

SDB at 79

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