Can nice D code get a bit slow?

FeepingCreature feepingcreature at
Wed Mar 8 15:49:27 UTC 2023

On Wednesday, 8 March 2023 at 10:49:32 UTC, Markus wrote:
> So, having no clue about D (just bought some books), I wanted 
> to ask if nice looking code can become slow, in general. In the 
> mentioned case it's just that I like the packaging of functions 
> into some sort of scope (OOP) versus the flat C and Go stuff. I 
> like OOP for this reason, but now I'm unsure whether I might 
> stay out of creating classes at all.
> Uh, hope you understand my vague question, sorry about that. I 
> found D to be the right place because it's not missing any 
> essential feature I know of.
> Kind regards

If you write D like Java, it will be slow like Java - actually 
slower, because D's GC isn't as good.

If you remember to use structs for value types (no `class 
Vector3f`, `class Point` etc.), you should be fine.

Though as a general rule, don't worry about it too much. Even 
slow D is still fast.

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