How to work with phobos github projects

Christian Köstlin christian.koestlin at
Fri Mar 10 16:41:37 UTC 2023

Recently I was looking in contributing to dlang/phobos and found the 
github subprojects for phobos 
which include a project to improve the public examples for phobos 

I looked at one of the cards there 
( which wants to 
improve std.container.array's public examples.
Looking at the source and the dscanner results for std/container/array.d 
it is visible, that the modules' example already contain the examples, 
that dscanner is missing.
So one way would be to move the examples to the place that dscanner 
expects or come perhaps up with new examples. Anyways the solution to 
that is not really clear, and I would like to discuss with someone who 
is more familiar with phobos what todo (perhaps even just drop
the issue in github).

Normally one can comment on github issues, but I found no such mechanism 
for those projcts/cards. So how would one move forward there?

Kind regards,

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