Better way to compromise on the lack of template alias resolution stuff?

Elfstone elfstone at
Tue Mar 14 10:19:24 UTC 2023

struct Matrix(S, size_t M, size_t N)

alias Vector(S, size_t N) = Matrix!(S, N, 1);

enum isVector(V) = is(V == Vector!(S, N), S, size_t N); // it 
doesn't work

enum isVectorCorrect(V) = is(V == Matrix!(U, N, 1), U, size_t N); 
// the "correct" way and how much I like to REPEAT myself!

void foo(U)(Vector!(U, 3) a)

void bar(U)(U a) if (isVector!U)

void main()
     import std.stdio;

     Vector!(float, 3) v;
     foo(v); // Error: none of the overloads of template 
`app.doSomething` are callable using argument types 
`!()(Matrix!(float, 3LU, 1LU))
     bar(v); // failed constraint isVector!U

I went back to some of my old code and couldn't stand what I had 
ended up with - If I already have a well-defined `Vector`, why do 
I have to write extra code to implement `isVector`, and use 
`isVector` instead of simply declaring the param to be `Vector`?

But that's simply the current state: it looks like DIP1023 isn't 
going anywhere, and I'm not a compiler expert.

Note that I had to repeat `Matrix!(S, N, 1)` to for both `Vector` 
and `isVector`.

Is there a way around this?!


It can get worse.

alias Vec2(S) = Vector!(S, 2);
alias Vec3(S) = Vector!(S, 3);
enum isVec3(V) = is(V == Matrix!(S, 2, 1), S);
enum isVec3(V) = is(V == Matrix!(S, 3, 1), S);
void foobar(U)(U v) if (isVec3!U);
It works, but it hurts my eyes.

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