Calling assumeSorted on const(std.container.Array)

Olivier Prat o.prat at
Sun Mar 26 16:03:28 UTC 2023

On Sunday, 26 March 2023 at 02:16:15 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
> On 3/25/23 9:45 AM, Olivier Prat wrote:
>> [...]
> It's because a Range keeps a copy of the array (Array is a 
> reference counted type). Since that is labeled `const`, then 
> editing the Range is forbidden.
> Inside SortedRange, it has this, which is causing the issue:
> ```d
>     static if (isForwardRange!Range)
>     @property auto save()
>     {
>         // Avoid the constructor
>         typeof(this) result = this;
>         result._input =;
>         return result;
>     }
> ```
> Overwriting the input isn't possible here, because it contains 
> a const member.
> Now, this possibly could be fixed with something like:
> `return typeof(this)(;`
> But it might just push the error to another place.
> The whole thing is kind of ugly.
> There is a note inside the Array Range which says it's trying 
> to work around some old bug that is now marked as "works for 
> me", so maybe that can be reexamined.
> -Steve

Thanks to both of you for the answers. It confirms my 
investigation and my workaround is to cast the const ranges into 
their non const versions, when I encounter these issues. Not very 

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