Straight Forward Arrays

dhs dhs at
Fri Oct 6 20:31:33 UTC 2023

On Thursday, 5 October 2023 at 16:57:00 UTC, Jesse Phillips wrote:
> On Wednesday, 4 October 2023 at 10:51:46 UTC, dhs wrote:
>> D and Go slices have advantages but can be confusing. I don't 
>> have a solution, but if anyone is interested, the relevant 
>> discussions about slice confusion in the Go community apply to 
>> D slices as well.
> I don't believe slice confusion in D is the same as God.
> D manages to avoid stomping, while Go provides no clear 
> ownership when slices are at play.
> And here is the slices explained

Thanks for the link. It actually demonstrates my point: he gets 
the same results from D and Go until he appends elements to the 
slice. It is then that things get confusing.

Obviously, the implementations are not exactly the same: for 
example, in Go 'capacity' is a field whereas in D it is a 
calculated property. But they are *similar*.

Here are some quotes from Go users:

"the issue of Go's slices is that they act as both a dynamic 
array and a slice viewing a portion of one. The two uses conflict 
with one another, and the interactions are full of traps. "

"the behaviour is logical based on how Go works. The criticism is 
instead that it works this way in the first place. The reason 
it's like this is that slices were attempting to address two 
separate use cases — growable arrays and subarrays"

Quote: "Welcome to go! This is one of the language quirks."

Others pointed out that slices work well. My points is: if you're 
thinking about a change it's worth reading the Go discussions, 
because their slices are similar in concept.

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