How to use ".stringof" to get the value of a variable and not the name of the variable (identifier) itself?

rempas rempas at
Mon Oct 9 16:33:32 UTC 2023

Let's see the following example:

import std.stdio;

static foreach(i; 0 .. 10) {

enum create_fn(string num) = `
   void function_`~ num ~`() { writeln("Hello from function `~ num 
~`!"); }

void main() {

I'm trying to create a series of function. There will be ten of 
them, and they will be called `function_0`, `function_1`, etc. 
However, in my example, "stringof" returns the character "i" 
itself and turns that into a string instead of getting its actual 
value (number).

Any ideas how I can achieve what I'm trying to achieve?

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