std.format with named args

Vitaliy Fadeev vital.fadeev at
Tue Oct 17 07:53:28 UTC 2023

On Tuesday, 17 October 2023 at 07:22:41 UTC, Vitaliy Fadeev wrote:
> On Tuesday, 17 October 2023 at 06:57:07 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:
>> On Tuesday, 17 October 2023 at 06:46:31 UTC, Vitaliy Fadeev 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all!
>>> I want readable mixin.
>>> I want pass variable to string.
>>> I want string with named args.
>>> Like this:
>>> ```D
>>>     enum JMP_ADDR_R = "RAX";
>>>     mixin( format!"asm {
>>>         jmp [JMP_ADDR_R];
>>>    }"( JMP_ADDR_R ));    // IT NOT WORK
>>> ```
>>> Not this:
>>> ```D
>>>     enum JMP_ADDR_R = "RAX";
>>>     mixin( format!"asm {
>>>         jmp [%s];
>>>    }"( JMP_ADDR_R ));    // WORK, BUT NOT-READABLE
>>> ```
>>> In large code named identifiers more readable.
>>> In future it will used in jump table, like this:
>>> ```D
>>>     mixin( format!"asm {
>>>         lea JMP_ADDR_R, qword ptr [ JMP_I_R * PTR_SIZE + 
>>> TBL_ADDR ];
>>>         jmp [JMP_ADDR_R];
>>>     }"( JMP_I_R, PTR_SIZE, TBL_ADDR, JMP_ADDR_R ));
>>> ```
>>> Please, help me find a solution...
>>> or exists std.format with named args ?
>>> or another solution with named args ?
>> Without string interpolation the best you can do is 
>> Or write some code yourself, unfortunately
> May be.
> "String interpolation"
> ```D
>     mixin( format!"asm {
>         lea JMP_ADDR_R, qword ptr [ JMP_I_R * PTR_SIZE + 
>         jmp [JMP_ADDR_R];
> ```
> vs
> text()
> ```D
>     mixin( text( "asm {
>         lea", JMP_ADDR_R, ", qword ptr [ ", JMP_I_R, " * ", 
> PTR_SIZE, " + ", TBL_ADDR, " ];
>         jmp [", JMP_ADDR_R, "];
>     }"));
> ```
> "String interpolation" more readable.
> "String interpolation" easier to type.
> "text()" syntax is highlighted,
> Thanks for the correct keywords: "String interpolation" - this 
> is what I'm looking for.
> Is there a "string interpolation" solution?

`scriptlike` looks perfecto!

             enum JMP_ADDR_R = ...

             import scriptlike;
             writeln( mixin(interp!"
                 asm {
                     lea ${JMP_ADDR_R}, qword ptr [ ${JMP_I_R} * 
${PTR_SIZE} + ${TBL_ADDR} ];
                     jmp [${JMP_ADDR_R}];
             ") );


                 asm {
                     lea RAX, qword ptr [ RDX * 8 + 5594AA134290 ];
                     jmp [RAX];

Thanks, all!

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