Removing an element from a DList

monkyyy crazymonkyyy at
Tue Oct 17 18:57:54 UTC 2023

On Tuesday, 17 October 2023 at 17:27:19 UTC, Joakim G. wrote:
> For some reason I cannot remove an element from a DList. I 
> tried several range approaches but to no avail. I'm a noob.
> In the end I did this:
> ```
> private void removeFromWaitingQueue(uint jid) {
>     auto arr = waitingQueue[].array;
>     arr = arr.remove!(job => job.jid == jid);
>     waitingQueue.clear();
>     foreach(job; arr) {
>         waitingQueue.insertBack(job);
>     }
> }
> ```
> Any hints?
> /J

"ranges are views of data" blah blah blah that remove function 
returns a fancy pointer and is lazy not the sane eager "unsafe" 
thing, the std avoids mutation to an unhelpful degree also 
std.containeers is awful

Id suggest using dynamic arrays swapping the last element to 
index then length--; or nullable static arrays; or just using 
filter if a functional approach is on the table.

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